Make plans to stay after worship on Sunday, February 23rd for our annual congregational meeting and potluck! We’ll begin within a nourishing meal, then receive the 2024 Annual Report and 2025 Budget. This is a great opportunity to hear committee reports and other church updates from your church leadership.
We’ll elect at-large members of the Nominating Committee for 2025, hear a report from The Corporation (our Endowment Management Committee), and elect new directors to the Corporation Board.
A quorum of the congregation (⅓ of the membership) is required to be present at the meeting for any votes or action to be taken. It’s imperative that the church family designate this time to gather with one another.
In the theme of our annual cauldron cook-off, it’s finally time to open up the cookbooks & fire up the crockpots! Come one and all to enjoy DPC’s best soups, stews, chilis, and desserts! Members and friends are asked to bring a soup, stew, chili, side, or dessert to share. The church will provide the rest! This year we will have prizes for the best: Traditional Chili, Non-traditional Chili, Vegetarian Chili, Soup or Stew, and Dessert.
We’ll have all the fixins’ for a feast! Join us as we conduct the business of the church and make plans for all that 2025 has to offer.