After a busy week of learning, singing, games, and food, several of our DPC kids officially ended choir camp with a mini-golf outing and a wonderful performance during communion of My God is With Me, words and music by Mark Patterson. … [Read more...]
JuveNiles Choir Camp
The JuveNiles, DPC’s youth choir, begin their new year with a four-day choir camp August 2-5, 2017. The camp is from 5:30-8:00 p.m., Wednesday-Friday, and from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Saturday. During the camp, we will rehearse, have music theory classes, play musical games, have … [Read more...]
Crosses & Kids
The Sunday School kids at DPC made this cross. Here's how we made it: start with a plate put shaving cream on the plate put some drops of paint on the shaving cream swirl the paint around with popsicle sticks take a paper egg or butterfly press the paper on … [Read more...]
2017 Easter Sunday … [Read more...]
Good Friday Family Cottage Dinner
Empty tomb rolls are amazing! Croissant + marshmallow + butter + sugar/cinnamon = empty tomb (after baking) … [Read more...]
Pastor Mike Loves His Sister
Village Day Play Dates
We gather together weekly (when we can) for 'Village Days" on Fridays from 10 am -noon - since it takes a small village to raise our little ones. Because we are a downtown church, with very limited parking, we meet at one of our homes or favorite parks. We have coffee and tea, … [Read more...]