On the first Thursday of every other month members of the DPC community get together to discuss a shared text. If you would like to join these conversations, email events@dpchurch.com to request more information.
Most recently, the group discussed “The Devil’s Element: Phosphorus and a World Out of Balance by Dan Egan.
Previous Text Selections:
The DPC church family is a diverse group of people with equally diverse interests and hobbies. This is reflected in the eclectic texts chosen for discussion. The first title selected for our DPC book group was Religions and Extraterrestrial Life by Vanderbilt astronomer David Weintraub. The titles selected since then have been equally interesting, thought-provoking, and conversation-starting.
Addition texts selected for discussion include:
- 11/16 Religions & Extraterrestrial Life, by David Weintraub
- 2/17 March: Book One, by John Lewis
- 3/17 March: Book Two & March: Book Three, both by John Lewis
- 5/17 The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben
- 6/17 The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated
America, by Richard Rothstein - 8/17 The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen
- 9/17 The Secret History of Wonder Woman, by Jill Lepore
- 12/17 Strangers in Their Own Land, by Arlie Russell Hochschild
- 2/18 The Inner Life of Animals, by Peter Wohlleben
- 4/18 Citizenship Papers, by Wendell Berry
- 4/18 On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder
- 6/18 The Potlikker Papers: A Food History of the Modern South, by John T. Edge
- 8/18 The Soul of America: The Battle for our Better Angels, by Jon Meacham
- 11/18 The Sun does Shine: How I Found Life & Freedom on Death Row, by Anthony
Ray Hinton
- 1/19 Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder, by Caroline Fraser
- 3/19 The Hemingses of Monticello, by Annette Gordon-Reed
- 5/19 The Library Book, by Susan Orlean
- 7/19 To Shake the Sleeping Self: A Journey from Oregon to Patagonia, and a Quest for
a Life with No Regret, by Jedidiah Jenkins - 9/19 The Triumph of Christianity: How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World, by
Bart Ehrman - 11/19 Great Small Things, by Jodi Picoult