(COVID Update 11/23/21)We have established the following thresholds to guide us as we remain flexible and adaptive to the changing needs of our community. We use the CDC’s data tracker as our main guide to the numbers, which you can find here: CDC COVID Data Tracker. We use the word “trending” to indicate that, rather than yo-yo-ing back and forth to our emotional exhaustion, we will make our decisions based on the trend of the numbers, not a sudden shift the night before between percentage markers.
Thank you partnering in our efforts to create an environment
that is as safe as possible for all who enter our church.
The numbers to remember are 3%, 10%, and 15%.
- Trending at 3% and below, we are at pre-pandemic precautions, and we can worship in person as we did before the pandemic.
- Trending between 3 and 10% we will require the following precautions for socially-distanced events & activities:
- Masks are worn in shared spaces.
- When seated in worship, masks may be removed. We ask that masks be worn when singing or moving about the sanctuary during worship.
- The pews will remain blocked off as they are to encourage social distancing.
- Communion will be self-serve using individual elements.
- If not vaccinated, we ask that masks be worn at all times.
- Trending between 10 and 15% we will require the following precautions for socially-distanced events & activities:
- Masks are required in the church at all times.
- Regardless of vaccination status, we ask congregants to keep masks in place even when seated in a pew and while singing.
- The pews will remain blocked off as they are to encourage social distancing.
- We will continue using self-serve communion cups.
- Congregants will remain in place for the Passing of the Peace during the worship service.
- Services planned for the chapel will be moved to the sanctuary to allow for greater social distancing.
- During worship, the Pastor and liturgists will utilize the pulpit rather than the floor area when speaking. This is another effort to allow for extra social distancing.
- Trending above 15%, our worship services will shift from in-person to online only. We will limit our gatherings to 10 people at a time, and follow the safety policies in place for masks & social distancing.
When the COVID-19 positivity rate for Davidson County is between 3 and 10% we will require the following precautions for events & activities where social distancing is not possible:
- DPC will require volunteers & attendees to provide proof of a full course of COVID-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19 test administered in the prior 48 hours.
- Proof of vaccination may include a physical card or a photo of a complete vaccination card that matches the attendee’s valid ID.
- Those that have only received one of a two-shot vaccination (Pfizer or Moderna) will be required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result from 48 hours or less prior to the event or activity.
- You can request a copy of your Tennessee vaccination record HERE. You can also receive a copy of your vaccination records by visiting your County Public Health Department.
- Proof of a negative test may be a printed or digital test result, timestamped 48 hours or less prior to the show that matches the attendee’s valid ID.
- Tests must be administered by a licensed physician; at-home test results will not be accepted.
- If you are unable to present either a completed vaccination card or negative COVID-19 test administered in the last 48 hours with a timestamp and matching name to ID, you will not be admitted to the event.
- Proof of vaccination may include a physical card or a photo of a complete vaccination card that matches the attendee’s valid ID.
2. If you are not vaccinated:
- Children who cannot be vaccinated can show a negative test administered 48 hours or less.
- People with a medical condition or closely held religious belief that prevents vaccination can attend with proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test from 48 hours or less prior to the event that is both timestamped and matches the attendee’s valid ID.
- Tests must be administered by a licensed physician; at-home test results will not be accepted.
- If you are not vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a mask – even if you’ve received a negative COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours.
If the COVID-19 positivity rate for Davidson County rises above 10%, the session will determine if additional precautions are deemed necessary. If applicable, such precautions will be listed here along with the date of implementation.