The Downtown Art Crawl has undergone a number of changes in recent months. The Faith Formation committee, formerly Worship & Arts, is pleased to announce several exciting updates.
The biggest change is that the Art Crawl is now sponsored by the newly formed Downtown Arts District Alliance (DADA). The second change is that the Art Crawl will now be held on the 2nd Saturday of each month – beginning in February. A third change is that the hours have been pushed back from 5-8 to 6-9 p.m. These changes reflect an awareness of other art activities in the community and the need to allow for a slightly later start.
We hope you will join us on February 8th for the opening reception of The No Sleep Theme Park. There are a lot of wonderful things happening, and DPC plans to be an active member of DADA.
About the Gallery: The Browsing Room is a non-commercial gallery created in the space of the historic DPC’s old congregational library. The gallery serves as an extension of DPC’s long standing studio community known as the Artists-in Residence (AiR) who have studio spaces above DPC’s chapel. The Browsing Room connects an art-seeking community with their AIR, as well as with other local and regional artists, by featuring a rotation of quarterly exhibitions. The gallery is currently open by appointment only.