Volunteer Online Sign-Up Opportunities
- Monday, Nov. 28 – Christmas Decorating Pizza Party
- Wednesday, Nov. 30 – Setting Up Waffle Irons and Tables
- Thursday, Dec. 1 – Waffle Shop
We also need crafts and baked goods for the Christmas Shop, and donations of goods and services for the Silent Auction. See Jo Ann Byl or Glenda Harris if you have Christmas Shop items, and Jeff Koontz for Silent Auction donations.
Sign-up sheets are in the narthex and at the above links for the various waffly tasks such as Christmas decorators, waffle makers, servers, kitchen helpers, and cleaner-uppers.
Please help support our biggest fundraiser of the entire year, and one that directly helps to support our urban poor ministries. For more info and questions, contact Hospitality Committee chair Claire Armbruster at clairearmbruster@gmail.com.